Wideline Probes for Non-Spinning Solids NMR
The wide range of available options listed below for our standard wideline probes offers exceptional versatility, usually all you’ll need.
However we also offer unique probes – such as a wideline 3 mm narrow bore H/X probe with a temperature range to 250 oC, and impressively low 1H background signals. For information on that probe, click here.)
- Standard sizes: 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm, or 10 mm (WB only) sample diameters
- Wide-bore or Narrow-bore probes
- VT ranges:
- -80 °C to 120 °C standard VT for Narrow-Bore
- -160 °C to 200 °C, extended VT for Narrow-Bore
- -110 °C to 150 °C standard VT for Wide-Bore
- -170 °C to 250 °C, extended VT for Wide-Bore
Double resonance with multinuclear observe
- Triple resonance
RF tuning options: 1H/X, 1H-19F/X, 1H/X/Y, 1H-19F/X/Y;
2-3 μs 90 degree pulses available for 4 and 5 mm coil sizes.
Tuning for low γ nuclei is no problem!
- A low cost “deuterium-only” probe is available.
Your probe is delivered with ten sample containers and 20 plug caps (for standard sizes).
Below: 2H Quad Echo data on a Jeol ECA600 and a
Doty 2H Wideline Probe tuned for use at 9.4T, 11.7T and 14.1T.
Below: 76.7 MHz 2H powder Spectrum Dimethyl Sulfone.