Wideline Probes for Non-Spinning Solids NMR
The wide range of available options listed below for our standard wideline probes offers exceptional versatility, usually all you’ll need.
- Standard sizes: 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm, or 10 mm (WB only) sample diameters
- Wide-bore or Narrow-bore probes
- VT ranges:
- -80 °C to 120 °C standard VT for Narrow-Bore
- -160 °C to 200 °C, extended VT for Narrow-Bore
- -110 °C to 150 °C standard VT for Wide-Bore
- -170 °C to 250 °C, extended VT for Wide-Bore
Double resonance with multinuclear observe
- Triple resonance
RF tuning options: 1H/X, 1H-19F/X, 1H/X/Y, 1H-19F/X/Y;
2-3 μs 90 degree pulses available for 4 and 5 mm coil sizes.
Tuning for low γ nuclei is no problem!
- A low cost “deuterium-only” probe is available.
Your probe is delivered with ten sample containers and 20 plug caps (for standard sizes).
Below: 2H Quad Echo data on a Jeol ECA600 and a
Doty 2H Wideline Probe tuned for use at 9.4T, 11.7T and 14.1T.

The times above indicate relaxation delay.
The probe is tunable to 2H at 400, 500, or 600 MHz 1H freq.
Courtesy of Dr. Michael Frey, JEOL USA.
Below: 76.7 MHz 2H powder Spectrum Dimethyl Sulfone.

This spectrum was obtained using a 500 MHz WB Doty Wideline Probe and a Varian Unity +.
Courtesy of Dr. Dave Rice, Applications Chemist, Varian NMR