Surface Coils for High-Field MRI
1H or Dual Frequency Surface Coils
Hundreds of standard coils,
1H or Dual Frequency,
Numerically optimized — Up to 50% higher S/N.
Standard coil diameters currently include
8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 mm.
Click on the desired frequency below to download a list of standard surface coils. The list includes size, frequency, sensitivity, detuning option, and part number. These standard products include single or dual frequency, transmit-receive (T), passive detuning (P), active detuning (A), 1H, 19F, 31P, and 13C for the following 1H frequencies:
A Remote Coil Matching Network (RCMN) is required for use with the surface coils. The RCMN (which functions over a range of frequencies) can often be used for several coils. Scroll down for description, part numbers and prices.
Delivery is usually 4-6 weeks for standard single tuned coils and 6-9 weeks for standard dual frequency coils.
Other sizes or frequencies are available on special order at higher prices and longer delivery time.
If you have any questions – with respect to custom or standard coils – don’t hesitate to inquire, by phone: 803 738 6832 or email:
Features of Doty 1H or Dual Frequency Surface Coils
- Featuring conductor geometries optimized for the best sensitivity and B1 homogeneity with biological samples.
- Non-magnetic sealed tuning capacitors mounted adjacent to the coil on a low-loss dielectric substrate – either polyimide or teflon.
- Balanced and designed for use with 50 Ω systems.
- Fitted with double-shielded flexible rf line (Teflon or polyethylene) with BNC connector.
- Passive or Active Detuning options for homonuclear experiments using a volume transmit coil
Part # | Coil Tuning Accessories | Price US$ |
99648 | Remote Coil Matching Network (RCMN) Allows remote impedance matching and limited (2%) frequency tuning of surface coils. Specify high-range(above 200 MHz), mid-range, or low-range (below 80 MHz). | $1210 |
99499 | Remote Coil Matching Network (RCMN) for actively detuned coils. Allows remote impedance matching and limited (2%) frequency tuning of surface coils. Specify high-range(above 200 MHz), mid-range, or low-range (below 80 MHz). | $1540 |
97477 | Detune Driver for actively detuned surface or volume coil. For driving detune circuit; accepts TTL pulse. (Output + 15 V) | $1540 |
95477 | Dual Channel Detune Driver For driving detune circuit of 2 coils (surface and/or volume) simultaneously. Accepts TTL pulse. (Output + 15 V) | $2530 |
Please contact with questions or quote requests, or call sales at 1 (803)-738-6832.