Doty’s Operando Gradient Probe with 3-axes gradient coils provides a unique way to characterize battery components under reaction conditions by including a 3-axes gradient coil, for diffusion and localized spectroscopy.
Wide tuning range for nuclei of interest: 1H/X, with 1H and 19F on high frequency channel; Multi-X channel can include 31P, 7Li, 13C, 2H, and other nuclei that may be of importance.
Tunes the full range of sample loads, including hot, high molarity KOH solutions, and operating battery cells with leads coming in from above and below.
Performance for high-loss samples exceeds that of a solenoid, especially for realistic battery cell conditions – very high conductivity electrolyte with high dielectric constant, and with electrodes.
Permits order-of-magnitude better resolution (vs. solenoid) on samples where that could matter.
Variable temperature: -40 to +80 oC.
For NB or WB magnet.
Suitable for NMR tubes or in-situ cells, from 5 mm to 12 mm diameter.