Magic Angle Gradient (MAG) Coil
For gradient spectroscopy and diffusion
- Ultra-high gradients
400 G/cm PFG at 14 T - Fast recovery
- High resolution
- Extended VT range
- H/X/Y/L
- Compatible with NB or WB Probes
- Spinning speeds for probes with MAG Coils:
- 22 kHz MAS for 3 mm
- 18 kHz MAS for 4 mm
A. Radio frequency driven rotational resonance (RFDR) 13C/13C correlation spectrum of uniform 13C, 15N-Leucine powder, 4 scans;
B. Inverse 1H detected heteronuclear multiple quantum correalation spectrum of 4-cyano 4’-biphenyl nematic liquid crystals in natural abundance, 2 scans;
C. Single-scan diffusion-ordered 2D spectra of 4-cyano 4’-biphenyl in chloroform and water.
Spectra: Bibhuti Das, Doty Scientific
Results obtained with a Doty 4 mm 1H/19F/X MAS/MAG NMR probe
Directed along the magic angle, a pulsed field gradient of 230 G cm-1 (with 10 Amps) permitted the measurement of a diffusion coefficient for F- using a Doty 4 mm 1H/19F/X MAS/MAG NMR probe (400 MHz 1H) and 19F PGSE magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy.
The self-diffusion coefficient for F- at 40 oC in a polymeric fluoride ion conductor was measured to be in the 2 10-10 – 4 10-10 m2 s-1 range depending on the type of material.1 One illustrative PGSE decay curve is reported in the Figure to the right/above (recorded with a diffusion time of 30 ms). Overall, the self-diffusion coefficients obtained by NMR spectroscopy were in good agreement with those calculated from impedance spectroscopy data using the Nernst–Einstein equation.
(1) Pasquini L, Ziarelli F, Viel S, Di Vona ML, Knauth P., ChemPhysChem. 2015, 17, 363. Fluoride-ion-conducting Polymers: Ionic Conductivity and Fluoride Ion Diffusion Coefficient in Quaternized Polysulfones.
Special thanks to:
Dr. F. Ziarelli (Aix-Marseille Université, Centrale Marseille, CNRS, Spectropole)
Prof. Dr. S. Viel (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, ICR (UMR 7273) & Institut Universitaire de France).
Low-E Inverse-Detected MAS-MAG Applications