Service & Support

At Doty Scientific, “commitment to service” is not an empty slogan. Years ago it was determined that service needed top level direction. For assistance, please contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Do you have international sales or service offices?
2. Whom can I talk to with questions about probe or coil operation or about problems I am having?
3. Whom should I call to Clarify Specifications on an order I have placed?
4. What should I do if I want to send my probe or coil back for service?
5. What information should I send with the probe?
6. Is there anything special I should do for return of an item from outside the United States?
7. What is your shipping address?
8. Do I need a Return Authorization Number?

Technical Information / Troubleshooting

1. What do I check if my MAS probe will not spin up to specification?
2. I have spikes in my FID. What is causing this?
3. What is the best procedure to use to spin an MAS rotor to avoid problems?
4. My MRI RF coil does not have the homogeneity I expect. What should I do?
5. How can I spin a liquid or semi-liquid in a rotor without leaks?
6. What turbine caps do I use for extended VT?

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