Posts Tagged ‘litzcage volume coil’


Dual Frequency Litzcage Volume Coil for 1H/19F

A Simple-tune Preclinical RF resonator for MR Imaging: Efficient, easy to tune and match over a broad range of sample loading. Each channel for TxRx and linearly polarized. For observe / decouple - with both channels used simultaneously. For interleaved acquisitions - with each channel used sequentially. Robust design and mechanical stability. Doty Scientific would like to thank the following researchers for sharing their results: Herrmann K-H 1*, Pechmann N 1,2, Reichenbach JR 1, 1 Medical Physics Group, IDIR, University Hospital Jena – Friedrich-Schiller ...


User Spotlight: Matthew Budde, Medical College of Wisconsin

                    DTI and 3D Gradient Echo Imaging at 9.4 T Courtesy of Matthew Budde, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin. All images acquired with Doty 38x33 mm Litzcage volume coil on a Small Animal Imaging Platform. 3D Gradient Echo, Rat Brain. Resolution 156×156×156 microns. TR/TE = 30/12 ms. Imaging Time 7 minutes.

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