Doty Scientific introduces next generation high performance surface coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Concentric Loops A better way to make dual-frequency surface coils. Two channel MR probe for both transmit and receive only. Improved sensitivity by 25% at both low and high frequencies. Efficient RF delivery at both frequencies below SAR limitations. Nearly identical B1 field profiles for efficient 1H-decoupling and cross polarization transfer. Uniform B1 homogeneity in the central region. Excellent channel isolation with no traps on both coils. ...
Dual Frequency Litzcage Volume Coil for 1H/19F
A Simple-tune Preclinical RF resonator for MR Imaging: Efficient, easy to tune and match over a broad range of sample loading. Each channel for TxRx and linearly polarized. For observe / decouple - with both channels used simultaneously. For interleaved acquisitions - with each channel used sequentially. Robust design and mechanical stability. Doty Scientific would like to thank the following researchers for sharing their results: Herrmann K-H 1*, Pechmann N 1,2, Reichenbach JR 1, 1 Medical Physics Group, IDIR, University Hospital Jena – Friedrich-Schiller ...
Curved, Open-loop, Detunable 1H Surface Coil
A Doty curved, open-loop, detunable 1H surface coil has been optimized for sensitivity and best filling factor for small animal brain. This is a convenient coil that enables simultaneous integration of fMRI with EEG or SEP. See results at 400 MHz for mouse brain, from the laboratory of Jürgen Reichenbach, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany. It is often desirable to integrate electroencepha-logram (EEG) or stimulation evoked potential (SEP) to assess the different time scales of the modalities during functional MRI (fMRI). In ...
Meet our new staff: Xiaotong Sun
We're happy to introduce you to our newest staff member Xiaotong Sun. Xiaotong joined us at the end of December from Auburn University, in Auburn, Alabama, USA. Xiaotong had been building MRI RF coils at Auburn so he fit right into our MRI department. Xiaotong already got familiar with Doty preclinical primate MRI RF coils, and even built a few NMR probes. He is also assisting J.B. Spitzmesser on the ...