Curved, Open-loop, Detunable 1H Surface Coil
A Doty curved, open-loop, detunable 1H surface coil has been optimized for sensitivity and best filling factor for small animal brain. This is a convenient coil that enables simultaneous integration of fMRI with EEG or SEP. See results at 400 MHz for mouse brain, from the laboratory of Jürgen Reichenbach, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany. It is often desirable to integrate electroencepha-logram (EEG) or stimulation evoked potential (SEP) to assess the different time scales of the modalities during functional MRI (fMRI). In ...
User Spotlight: Matthew Budde, Medical College of Wisconsin
DTI and 3D Gradient Echo Imaging at 9.4 T Courtesy of Matthew Budde, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin. All images acquired with Doty 38x33 mm Litzcage volume coil on a Small Animal Imaging Platform. 3D Gradient Echo, Rat Brain. Resolution 156×156×156 microns. TR/TE = 30/12 ms. Imaging Time 7 minutes.