The most significant advance in waveguides for the 70-1500 GHz range in half a century
- HE11 Launchers for converting directly from rectangular TE10 to overmoded HE11
- Bi-directional THz couplers for overmoded HE11 with low loss and high directivity
- Low-loss THz miter bends, down-tapers, up-tapers, and polarizers for high-purity overmoded HE11
- Overmoded HE11 eliminates the critical interface issues that have beset traditional THz systems
See more at:
Laminate-Lined Waveguide (LLWG)
Ultra-Low-Loss HE11 THz Miter Bends
HE11 THz Couplers
A low-loss bidirectional HE11 coupler is being developed with substantially higher directivity than prior HE11 THz couplers for overmoded waveguides operating in the 0.03 to 1.5 THz range.
The novel Laminate-Lined Waveguide (LLWG) is being integrated into a probe for DNP that includes a high-mode THz cavity compatible with MAS and is expected to permit routine l operation below 15 K.