The Resonator


New paper: Guide to Simulating Complex NMR Probe Circuits

A new published paper in Concepts in Magnetic Resonance.

Significant efforts have been put into probe circuit designs since the inception of Doty Scientific.  Though celebrated for the spinning advancement,  the first circuit on the original MAS probe was also far more efficient and had improved signal to noise — enabling much shorter acquisition times.  Early probes were all fixed tuned. Doty introduced the first multinuclear MAS probe.

In the years since, we have gone from H/X at 100 MHz to quad tuned H/X/Y/Z at 800 MHZ.  As the probes became more complex we found circuit simulation much more helpful…and much more complex. This year, the group at Doty scientific has presented a significant paper just published in  Concepts in Magnetic Resonance.This paper, Guide to Simulating Complex NMR Probe Circuits, is now available online, open access

About Judy Doty

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