Waveguide Paper Published
We at Doty have been investigating various ways by which a probe designer can deliver millimeter waves (mmw) efficiently to the sample in a magic angle spinning probe once the mmw have arrived at the probe. A paper summarizing these efforts has recently appeared in the JMRO, i.e. F. David Doty, Glenn N. Doty, John P. Staab, ...
Results: 1H/19F MRI Imaging
A Simple-tune Preclinical 19F RF Volume Coil Efficient, easy to tune and match over a broad range of sample loading. Each channel for TxRx and linearly polarized. For observe / decouple - with both channels used simultaneously. For interleaved acquisitions - with each channel used sequentially. Robust design and mechanical stability Pictured is a ...
WB Ultra-Range MAS Probe – Now with Temperatures up to +500 C
WB Ultra-Range - Now up to +500°C We introduced the low temperature (LT) version of this probe at the ENC last spring. We now have a new high temperature (HT) version for operation up to +500 oC Broad Temperature Range Choose HT -100 oC to +500 oC or LT
Temperature Dependence of the 13C NMR of Nylon 6,6 — Liquids- Z Gradient Probe up to 300°C
NEW - Liquids PFG Z Gradient Probe with Temperatures up to 300°C Temperature Dependence of the 13C NMR of Nylon 6,6 by Dr. Paul Ellis The new Doty High Temperature Liquids NMR Probe. In addition to the probe’s unique high temperature capability (300°C), it ...