The Resonator


To Deuterate Your Proteins – or Not to Deuterate? That is the Question.

MAS has long been an integral technique in Solid State NMR, beginning with investigations on typically inorganic samples, but quickly moving to biological samples with ever increasing molecular weight.  The resulting complexity of the NMR spectrum has lead to the use of High-resolution inverse 1H detection in Solid State NMR spectroscopy for large molecules.  New developments in protein biochemistry and fast spinning have contributed to this rapidly evolving area of NMR.  Bibhuti Das, Paul Ellis and F. David Doty present  a white paper in “publications”  describing rationales and  available  techniques for these challenging experiments, while asking the question “To Deuterate Your Proteins or Not to Deuterate? ”

Click here to read the full article. “To Deuterate Your Proteinsor Not to Deuterate?  That is the Question.

About Judy Doty

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