The Resonator


It’s Been a Busy Year at Doty Scientific

It has been a busy year. We may have seen you at last year’s ENC at Asilomar or IMS in Washington DC. Maybe in Colorado for the Rocky Mountain conference or in Atlanta for SEMRC.

Along with building NMR probes and MRI coils, exciting advancements continue in our Switched Angle Spinning (SAS) and Ultra Low Temperature (ULT) NMR Probe developments. We are excited about our new No-E two-coil XVT NMR probe – available up to 1300 MHz.

We have impressive images from a unique MRI coil for mouse body or rat brain which was delivered to the Weizmann Institute just before the ENC last year. The high field strength, 15.2 T, and tight spacing (59 mm OD with two coils and a 36 mm ID) made this dual-frequency coil quite challenging. The coil was used to study pregnant mice.

You can learn more about all of these in our current newsletter which you can access below.  Additional technical details will be presented at the ENC Poster session.

We look forward to seeing some of you at the ENC/ISMAR and telling you about the exciting advances we have made.

David and Judy Doty


Read a pdf copy of  Doty’s spring newsletter “The Resonator” .

Doty publishes the newsletter one or two times a year.  To sign up for your email copy click here

About Judy Doty

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