The Resonator


No Need to ‘Panic’ – It’s almost ENC Time!

No need to ‘Panic’ – It’s almost ENC Time! The PANIC Conference (Practical Applications in NMR in Industry) in Charlotte, NC in February lived up to the title. Laura reported that the scientific program was well organized with stimulating topics presented in talks, workshops, and poster sessions. Attendee numbers doubled ...


Introducing Doty SNR Applet

NMR Signal to Noise Ratio - SNR Applet Doty Scientific has produced an applet that allows a customer to compare the signal-to-noise ratio of a DSI probe to the SNR of any other well-tested probe. This will be the first time a customer can compare any probe, with any sample and any test ...


New Faces at Doty Scientific

We are pleased to have these new faces at Doty Scientific to help with our increased work load. Join us to welcome: Eshwarprasad Thirunavukarasu, MSME Eshwar joined us after his graduation from the University of South Carolina (our USC).         Brian Mercurio, Physicist, Ph. D. Brian is a graduate of Ohio State University. He ...


Your wishlist for 2014?

In the last two months, we were privileged to participate in the Southeastern NMR conference in Tallahassee, Florida in the US, and the Asian Pacific NMR & ANZMAG conference in Brisbane Australia.               Discussions ...

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