WB Ultra-Range MAS Probe – Now with Temperatures up to +500 C
WB Ultra-Range - Now up to +500°C We introduced the low temperature (LT) version of this probe at the ENC last spring. We now have a new high temperature (HT) version for operation up to +500 oC Broad Temperature Range Choose HT -100 oC to +500 oC or LT -180 oC to +250 oC Broad Tuning Range with tuning inserts 31P to 103Rh Double-Tuned 1H/X or Triple-Tuned 1H/X/Y Broad Range of LT ...
New H/F/X/Y Quad MAS for Fluorine
NEW - H/F/X/Y Quad MAS The first probe is a NB 500 MHz probe with a 3 mm sample spinner. A higher field version with a fast-MAS 1.3 mm spinner is being developed.Fluorine Quad H/F/X/Y HR-Solids 4 Efficient, high power RF channels Dedicated 19 F and 1H channels for 1H and 19F operation simultaneously 2 Broadband channels, X/Y Enables 1H and 19F high-power decoupling (and 2H decoupling on the X Channel) Fast-MAS 3 mm Extended VT range: NB -150 to +150 °C
Introducing: Doty WB Ultra-Range NMR MAS Probe
At the Rocky Mountain Conference in Snowbird Utah, USA we introduced a new wide bore MAS probe we call the “WB Ultra Range”. It features a broad temperature range, a broad tuning range, and a broad range of spinner options. The Doty WB Ultra-Range MAS Probe Broad Temperature Range -170 oC to +270 oC (and ultimately higher) Fully Multinuclear 31P to 103Rh Broad Tuning Range with Most Tuning Inserts Double-Tuned 1H/X or Triple-Tuned 1H/X/Y Broad Range of Spinner Options 7 mm, 5 mm, ...
Access Sample Temperatures to 250 ºC in a Narrow Bore Wideline Probe!
To illustrate the capability of a novel 3 mm H/X wideline narrow bore probe with extended VT range, we performed a variable temperature experiment on Pb(NO3)2 over the temperature range from -110 °C to +250 °C. Those data are summarized in figure below. The first thing that is apparent is the isotropic chemical shift is changing as a function of temperature. These data match the well-known temperature dependence reported by Bielecki and Burum (JMR 1995). Secondly, comparing the powder lineshape ...
Dramatic Advances in NMR of Insoluble Proteins
Dramatic Advances in NMR of Insoluble Proteins 3Hz 1H linewidth on solid protein GB1. This 1H spectrum was taken at 500 MHz with 2H decoupling using our 1H/X/Y/Z MAS probe. The region shown is for methyl protons with 2H decoupling and water suppression. Linewidths at half maximum are shown in Hz. (Note the major linewidth reduction from 10-kHz 2H decoupling.) Bibhuti Das and Paul Ellis, Doty Scientific, Inc., and Professor Leonard Mueller, Univ. of CA ...
SERMACS/Doty Scientific Facility Tour

Doty Scientific had a tour our NMR facility on Tuesday October 25th. This activity was planned in coordination with the Southeastern Regional Meeting of ACS (SERMACS) in Columbia SC, in October, 2016. We provided lunch, a short presentation, plus a tour of the plant and our NMR Lab.
CryoMAS-DNP Talk at the SEMRC 2014 Southeastern Magnetic Resonance Conference
Dr. David Doty will be delivering a talk at the SEMRC on the Doty Scientific's recent progress in two major development projects - a novel cavity for H/X/Y DNP promising huge gains in microwave efficiency, and a CryoMAS-DNP probe capable of closed-loop spinning with helium gas down to 30 K, for enormous gain in S/N compared to prior MAS-DNP technology. The talk will include the latest NMR test data, showing success in what has been an epic journey over the ...
No Need to ‘Panic’ – It’s almost ENC Time!
No need to ‘Panic’ – It’s almost ENC Time! The PANIC Conference (Practical Applications in NMR in Industry) in Charlotte, NC in February lived up to the title. Laura reported that the scientific program was well organized with stimulating topics presented in talks, workshops, and poster sessions. Attendee numbers doubled from last year. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to discuss products or say hello to Laura Holte. It’s that time ...
Introducing Doty SNR Applet
NMR Signal to Noise Ratio - SNR Applet Doty Scientific has produced an applet that allows a customer to compare the signal-to-noise ratio of a DSI probe to the SNR of any other well-tested probe. This will be the first time a customer can compare any probe, with any sample and any test conditions, to any Doty probe. The ratio of signal acquisition times of the two probes is also calculated as (ratio of ...
New Faces at Doty Scientific
We are pleased to have these new faces at Doty Scientific to help with our increased work load. Join us to welcome: Eshwarprasad Thirunavukarasu, MSME Eshwar joined us after his graduation from the University of South Carolina (our USC). Brian Mercurio, Physicist, Ph. D. Brian is a graduate of Ohio State University. He joined us after a postdoc at the University of South Carolina. Manlai Liang,Physicist, Ph.D. Manlai recently ...