New Doty ENC Suite at Asilomar: Surf And Sand
ENC News: Our new suite, Surf and Sand. We will be open Sunday through Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 11:00 PM. Come by for ice cream, information, and pleasant conversation.
Introducing: A New Generation of Double-Tuned MRI CP RF Volume Coils
A New Generation of Double-Tuned CP Volume Coils Novel MRI Research Coils 3 T, 4.7 T, 7 T, Up to Human Head Size A Large Segmented, Double-Tuned Quadrature High-field MR Coil With Exceptional Tuning Stability New Generation MRI Volume Coils Double-tuned (both circularly polarized) Easily handles large high-salinity samples. The first of these coils is shown on the right. It was ordered for study of foods. The 4.7 T coil has a ...
Total Eclipse at Doty Scientific 8-21-2017
Solar Photos by Rochelle Doty at Doty Scientific. (Note the moon outline in photo 2.) Solar Photos by Vince Cothran at Doty Scientific. The day was perfect... but the 93 degree weather made canopies a must, and a large fan helped too. We want to thank Vince Cothran for the fine solar projector he made. It was a real ...
ENC 2017: MAS with Magic-Angle-Gradients and 1H-19F/X/Y/Z MAS
We will be headed to the ENC in a few days. We hope to see you there. Our suite Toyon will be open Sunday-Wednesday from 7:00 PM to 11:30 PM. (There will be icecream!) We will be presenting information about our new 4 channel 1H-19F/X/Y/Z MAS probe, and Bibhuti Das will be presenting a poster on design and applications of our Magic-Angle-Spinning Magic-Angle-Gradient (MAS-MAG) probe. For more details please see our poster Low-E Inverse Detection MAS Probe and ...
SERMACS/Doty Scientific Facility Tour

Doty Scientific had a tour our NMR facility on Tuesday October 25th. This activity was planned in coordination with the Southeastern Regional Meeting of ACS (SERMACS) in Columbia SC, in October, 2016. We provided lunch, a short presentation, plus a tour of the plant and our NMR Lab.
Inside ‘Scoop’ on ENC 2016

The inside 'scoop' on ENC 2016 Thank you for all who have visited our Booth and Hospitality Suite at the Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. Hope you enjoyed our Ice Cream Social, and get a chance to meet Dr. David Doty & his team with our newest additions Dr. Bibhuti Das & Deóis Ua Cearnaigh to discuss our latest developments including the Magic Angle Gradient MAS. ENC Poster 399 "A ...
CryoMAS-DNP Talk at the SEMRC 2014 Southeastern Magnetic Resonance Conference
Dr. David Doty will be delivering a talk at the SEMRC on the Doty Scientific's recent progress in two major development projects - a novel cavity for H/X/Y DNP promising huge gains in microwave efficiency, and a CryoMAS-DNP probe capable of closed-loop spinning with helium gas down to 30 K, for enormous gain in S/N compared to prior MAS-DNP technology. The talk will include the latest NMR test data, showing success in what has been an epic journey over the ...
No Need to ‘Panic’ – It’s almost ENC Time!
No need to ‘Panic’ – It’s almost ENC Time! The PANIC Conference (Practical Applications in NMR in Industry) in Charlotte, NC in February lived up to the title. Laura reported that the scientific program was well organized with stimulating topics presented in talks, workshops, and poster sessions. Attendee numbers doubled from last year. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to discuss products or say hello to Laura Holte. It’s that time ...
Introducing Doty SNR Applet
NMR Signal to Noise Ratio - SNR Applet Doty Scientific has produced an applet that allows a customer to compare the signal-to-noise ratio of a DSI probe to the SNR of any other well-tested probe. This will be the first time a customer can compare any probe, with any sample and any test conditions, to any Doty probe. The ratio of signal acquisition times of the two probes is also calculated as (ratio of ...
Your wishlist for 2014?
In the last two months, we were privileged to participate in the Southeastern NMR conference in Tallahassee, Florida in the US, and the Asian Pacific NMR & ANZMAG conference in Brisbane Australia. Discussions about DNP were ...