A Practical Guide to Setting Up Diffusion Measurements
By Paul Ellis As an elder statesman in the area of solid state NMR spectroscopy, it has become obvious that pulsed field gradients (PFG) experiments are and will continue to be important in the future. Our liquid state colleagues have enjoyed the benefits of PFG for many years. For example, PFG can remove artifacts within the transverse plane and hence reduce ...
Access Sample Temperatures to 250 ºC in a Narrow Bore Wideline Probe!
To illustrate the capability of a novel 3 mm H/X wideline narrow bore probe with extended VT range, we performed a variable temperature experiment on Pb(NO3)2 over the temperature range from -110 °C to +250 °C. Those data are summarized in figure below. The first thing that is apparent is the isotropic chemical shift is changing as a function of ...
Small and Large MRI RF Research Coils for Mice, Rats, Rabbits, Primates…
Shielded 1H and 1H/C dual-frequency coils are available. Open platforms with removable shields are also available. The following larger 3T coils are available with quick delivery: Click for more Information. 1H/13C 27.5 cm dia x 26.5 cm lgth 1H 18 cm dia x 18.5 cm lgth 1H 16 cm dia x 18.5 ...
Total Eclipse at Doty Scientific 8-21-2017
Solar Photos by Rochelle Doty at Doty Scientific. (Note the moon outline in photo 2.) Solar Photos by Vince Cothran at Doty Scientific. The day was perfect... but the 93 degree weather made canopies a must, and a large fan helped too.