ENC 2017: MAS with Magic-Angle-Gradients and 1H-19F/X/Y/Z MAS
We will be headed to the ENC in a few days. We hope to see you there. Our suite Toyon will be open Sunday-Wednesday from 7:00 PM to 11:30 PM. (There will be icecream!) We will be presenting information about our new 4 channel 1H-19F/X/Y/Z MAS probe, and Bibhuti Das will be presenting a poster on design and applications of ...
Dramatic Advances in NMR of Insoluble Proteins
Dramatic Advances in NMR of Insoluble Proteins 3Hz 1H linewidth on solid protein GB1. This 1H spectrum was taken at 500 MHz with 2H decoupling using our 1H/X/Y/Z MAS probe. The region shown is for methyl protons with 2H decoupling and water suppression. Linewidths at half maximum are shown in Hz. (Note the major ...
SERMACS/Doty Scientific Facility Tour

Doty Scientific had a tour our NMR facility on Tuesday October 25th. This activity was planned in coordination with the Southeastern Regional Meeting of ACS (SERMACS) in Columbia SC, in October, 2016. We provided lunch, a short presentation, plus a tour of the plant and our NMR Lab.
Doty Scientific introduces next generation high performance surface coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Concentric Loops A better way to make dual-frequency surface coils. Two channel MR probe for both transmit and receive only. Improved sensitivity by 25% at both low and high frequencies. Efficient RF delivery at both frequencies below SAR limitations. Nearly identical B1 field profiles for efficient 1H-decoupling ...