Dual Frequency Litzcage Volume Coil for 1H/19F
A Simple-tune Preclinical RF resonator for MR Imaging: Efficient, easy to tune and match over a broad range of sample loading. Each channel for TxRx and linearly polarized. For observe / decouple - with both channels used simultaneously. For interleaved acquisitions - with each channel used sequentially. Robust design and mechanical stability. Doty Scientific would like to thank the following researchers for ...
Curved, Open-loop, Detunable 1H Surface Coil
A Doty curved, open-loop, detunable 1H surface coil has been optimized for sensitivity and best filling factor for small animal brain. This is a convenient coil that enables simultaneous integration of fMRI with EEG or SEP. See results at 400 MHz for mouse brain, from the laboratory of Jürgen Reichenbach, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany. It is often desirable to integrate electroencepha-logram ...
Inside ‘Scoop’ on ENC 2016

The inside 'scoop' on ENC 2016 Thank you for all who have visited our Booth and Hospitality Suite at the Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. Hope you enjoyed our Ice Cream Social, and get a chance to meet Dr. David Doty & his team with our newest additions Dr. ...
Doty Scientific Family is Growing!
Doty Scientific is pleased to introduce new members in our NMR team NMR Applications Scientist, Dr. Bibhuti Das Bibhuti received his Ph.D. in Physics, specializing in development and applications in solid state NMR spectroscopy, from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India. After that he received a Postdoctoral Fellowship and then Project ...