The Resonator


To Deuterate Your Proteins – or Not to Deuterate? That is the Question.

MAS has long been an integral technique in Solid State NMR, beginning with investigations on typically inorganic samples, but quickly moving to biological samples with ever increasing molecular weight.  The resulting complexity of the NMR spectrum has lead to the use of High-resolution inverse 1H detection in Solid State NMR spectroscopy for large molecules.  New developments in protein biochemistry and ...


Introducing: Doty WB Ultra-Range NMR MAS Probe

At the Rocky Mountain Conference in Snowbird Utah, USA we introduced a new wide bore MAS probe we call the “WB Ultra Range”.  It features a broad temperature range, a broad tuning range, and a broad range of spinner options. The Doty WB Ultra-Range MAS Probe Broad Temperature Range -170 oC to +270 oC (and ultimately higher) Fully Multinuclear 31P to 103Rh Broad ...


Introducing: A New Generation of Double-Tuned MRI CP RF Volume Coils

A New Generation of Double-Tuned CP Volume Coils Novel MRI Research Coils 3 T,  4.7 T,  7 T, Up to Human Head Size A Large Segmented, Double-Tuned Quadrature High-field MR Coil With Exceptional Tuning Stability New Generation MRI Volume Coils Double-tuned (both circularly polarized) Easily handles large high-salinity samples. The first of these coils is shown on the right.   ...


ENC 2018 Photos

Click here for a pdf of the full set of ENC-2018 photos

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