Spring 2024 – Doty Updates
We were pleased to have seen some of you over the last year and we are looking forward to seeing more of you at the ENC - and telling you about the exciting advances we have made. The road to solid state DNP includes The Ultra Low Temperature (ULT) Probe and significant advances in THz waveguides and Bidirectional overmoded THz couplers. We’re excited about the progress. We are happy to have added 3 new employees. Left to right Dylan Harrell, Physicist; Jacob Martin, ...
Rat Spinal Cord Imaging on Unique Imaging Coils
A customer contacted us with a request to build custom coils for their studies on rat spinal cord, both in vivo and ex vivo, motivated by performance issues related to RF homogeneity and shielding exhibited in current OEM coils. A quadrature volume coil with 56 mm ID was constructed for the in vivo imaging (on awake or mildly anesthetized rats), and was utilized at the study onset. The volume coil’s excellent sensitivity made it possible to generate high resolution ...
The ENC 2021 Doty Webinar
The 2021 ENC was a Virtual Conference. We were disappointed that we were unable to see our friends in person. We were, however, pleased to present a webinar at the virtual conference. The slides for that webinar are available below. Click on the section links Over-view, In More Detail, and Product Development, to see view the slides. Over-view: Laura Holte, Ph.D NMR ...
Waveguide Paper Published
We at Doty have been investigating various ways by which a probe designer can deliver millimeter waves (mmw) efficiently to the sample in a magic angle spinning probe once the mmw have arrived at the probe. A paper summarizing these efforts has recently appeared in the JMRO, i.e. F. David Doty, Glenn N. Doty, John P. Staab, Yuriy Sizyuk, and Paul D.Ellis, “New Insights from Broadband Simulations into Small Over-moded Smooth and Corrugated Terahertz ...
Access Sample Temperatures to 250 ºC in a Narrow Bore Wideline Probe!
To illustrate the capability of a novel 3 mm H/X wideline narrow bore probe with extended VT range, we performed a variable temperature experiment on Pb(NO3)2 over the temperature range from -110 °C to +250 °C. Those data are summarized in figure below. The first thing that is apparent is the isotropic chemical shift is changing as a function of temperature. These data match the well-known temperature dependence reported by Bielecki and Burum (JMR 1995). Secondly, comparing the powder lineshape ...
ENC 2017: MAS with Magic-Angle-Gradients and 1H-19F/X/Y/Z MAS
We will be headed to the ENC in a few days. We hope to see you there. Our suite Toyon will be open Sunday-Wednesday from 7:00 PM to 11:30 PM. (There will be icecream!) We will be presenting information about our new 4 channel 1H-19F/X/Y/Z MAS probe, and Bibhuti Das will be presenting a poster on design and applications of our Magic-Angle-Spinning Magic-Angle-Gradient (MAS-MAG) probe. For more details please see our poster Low-E Inverse Detection MAS Probe and ...
SERMACS/Doty Scientific Facility Tour

Doty Scientific had a tour our NMR facility on Tuesday October 25th. This activity was planned in coordination with the Southeastern Regional Meeting of ACS (SERMACS) in Columbia SC, in October, 2016. We provided lunch, a short presentation, plus a tour of the plant and our NMR Lab.
Inside ‘Scoop’ on ENC 2016

The inside 'scoop' on ENC 2016 Thank you for all who have visited our Booth and Hospitality Suite at the Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. Hope you enjoyed our Ice Cream Social, and get a chance to meet Dr. David Doty & his team with our newest additions Dr. Bibhuti Das & Deóis Ua Cearnaigh to discuss our latest developments including the Magic Angle Gradient MAS. ENC Poster 399 "A ...
Doty Scientific Family is Growing!
Doty Scientific is pleased to introduce new members in our NMR team NMR Applications Scientist, Dr. Bibhuti Das Bibhuti received his Ph.D. in Physics, specializing in development and applications in solid state NMR spectroscopy, from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India. After that he received a Postdoctoral Fellowship and then Project Scientist position, both at the Univ. of California, San Diego. His experience includes developing new methodologies for rapid data ...
Magic Angle Gradient MAS
Coupling field gradients and NMR spectroscopy brings to mind various types of experiments for spatial localization, coherence selection, and solvent signal suppression. In solid state NMR, gradients in combination with magic angle spinning (MAS) can also be utilized in this same manner. However, the use of gradients and MAS has seen a resurgence with quasi-solids (that is, a solid (or semi-solids) that has limited overall mobility, or, rapid internal mobility). ...