Results: 1H/19F MRI Imaging
A Simple-tune Preclinical 19F RF Volume Coil Efficient, easy to tune and match over a broad range of sample loading. Each channel for TxRx and linearly polarized. For observe / decouple - with both channels used simultaneously. For interleaved acquisitions - with each channel used sequentially. Robust design and mechanical stability Pictured is a Doty 1H/19F Dual Frequency 32 mm Litzcage module. Shown with user incorporated animal bed. Photo courtesy of Friedrich-Schiller Univ., Jena, ...
WB Ultra-Range MAS Probe – Now with Temperatures up to +500 C
WB Ultra-Range - Now up to +500°C We introduced the low temperature (LT) version of this probe at the ENC last spring. We now have a new high temperature (HT) version for operation up to +500 oC Broad Temperature Range Choose HT -100 oC to +500 oC or LT -180 oC to +250 oC Broad Tuning Range with tuning inserts 31P to 103Rh Double-Tuned 1H/X or Triple-Tuned 1H/X/Y Broad Range of LT ...
Temperature Dependence of the 13C NMR of Nylon 6,6 — Liquids- Z Gradient Probe up to 300°C
NEW - Liquids PFG Z Gradient Probe with Temperatures up to 300°C Temperature Dependence of the 13C NMR of Nylon 6,6 by Dr. Paul Ellis The new Doty High Temperature Liquids NMR Probe. In addition to the probe’s unique high temperature capability (300°C), it is also equipped with a high-performance shielded gradient, for over 1300 G/cm.Some unique details of the probe itself are interesting. ...
New H/F/X/Y Quad MAS for Fluorine
NEW - H/F/X/Y Quad MAS The first probe is a NB 500 MHz probe with a 3 mm sample spinner. A higher field version with a fast-MAS 1.3 mm spinner is being developed.Fluorine Quad H/F/X/Y HR-Solids 4 Efficient, high power RF channels Dedicated 19 F and 1H channels for 1H and 19F operation simultaneously 2 Broadband channels, X/Y Enables 1H and 19F high-power decoupling (and 2H decoupling on the X Channel) Fast-MAS 3 mm Extended VT range: NB -150 to +150 °C
New paper: Guide to Simulating Complex NMR Probe Circuits
A new published paper in Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Significant efforts have been put into probe circuit designs since the inception of Doty Scientific. Though celebrated for the spinning advancement, the first circuit on the original MAS probe was also far more efficient and had improved signal to noise -- enabling much shorter acquisition times. Early probes were all fixed tuned. Doty introduced the first multinuclear MAS probe. In the years since, we have gone from H/X at 100 MHz to quad ...
New Doty ENC Suite at Asilomar: Surf And Sand
ENC News: Our new suite, Surf and Sand. We will be open Sunday through Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 11:00 PM. Come by for ice cream, information, and pleasant conversation.
A Practical Guide to Diffusion Measurements – Expanded
Earlier this year, we introduced a white paper, A Practical Guide to Setting Up Diffusion Measurements Utilizing Pulsed Field Gradients. We are re-introducing the paper with additional material to include solids diffusion methods. The paper is now presented in three parts. Part one is the original material - with part 2 and 3 being new material. A Practical Guide to Setting Up Diffusion Measurements Utilizing Pulsed Field Gradients. Daniel Arcos, John Staab, Bibhuti Das, Paul D Ellis, and F. David Doty Part ...
To Deuterate Your Proteins – or Not to Deuterate? That is the Question.
MAS has long been an integral technique in Solid State NMR, beginning with investigations on typically inorganic samples, but quickly moving to biological samples with ever increasing molecular weight. The resulting complexity of the NMR spectrum has lead to the use of High-resolution inverse 1H detection in Solid State NMR spectroscopy for large molecules. New developments in protein biochemistry and fast spinning have contributed to this rapidly evolving area of NMR. Bibhuti Das, Paul Ellis and F. David Doty present ...
Introducing: Doty WB Ultra-Range NMR MAS Probe
At the Rocky Mountain Conference in Snowbird Utah, USA we introduced a new wide bore MAS probe we call the “WB Ultra Range”. It features a broad temperature range, a broad tuning range, and a broad range of spinner options. The Doty WB Ultra-Range MAS Probe Broad Temperature Range -170 oC to +270 oC (and ultimately higher) Fully Multinuclear 31P to 103Rh Broad Tuning Range with Most Tuning Inserts Double-Tuned 1H/X or Triple-Tuned 1H/X/Y Broad Range of Spinner Options 7 mm, 5 mm, ...
Introducing: A New Generation of Double-Tuned MRI CP RF Volume Coils
A New Generation of Double-Tuned CP Volume Coils Novel MRI Research Coils 3 T, 4.7 T, 7 T, Up to Human Head Size A Large Segmented, Double-Tuned Quadrature High-field MR Coil With Exceptional Tuning Stability New Generation MRI Volume Coils Double-tuned (both circularly polarized) Easily handles large high-salinity samples. The first of these coils is shown on the right. It was ordered for study of foods. The 4.7 T coil has a ...